Thursday, October 23, 2014

Week 5. Next stop NJ!

Hi friends!!! So many awesome things this week!! Lots of good things happening down here in Mexíco! First of all I got to shake an apostles hand!!! Elder Neil L Anderson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles shook my hand! What a guy! He´s definitely my new favorite! Also, he is all about French and I respect that. La langue de francais es trés belle. Sadly french is getting so hard to remember as I am trying to think in Spanish all the time. Also, I got to talk to Elder Anderson. I said "2 Nephi 31 and 32" It was great. Spiritual gold star for being brave enough to answer a question in front of lots of missionaries who know a lot more about las escrituras than me.
Another great thing about the devotional with Elder Anderson was that Hermana Dearden and I got to sing the most beautiful arrangement of Asombro me Da. The Spirit was so strong. The message of I Stand all Amazed is so personal and meaningful. I love the Atonement, which turned out to be the topic of His message. Los meritós, la misericordia, y la gracia de Jesucristo: The merits, the mercy, and the grace of Jesus Christ.
Music has always been a huge part of my life and I am realizing it more than ever! Today I am listening to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack as I email and nothing will be able to bring me down for the next 17 months because of it! Also, Mama today I am super especially grateful to have been raised by someone who just gets it and on top of that is a WORLD TRAVELING VIOLINIST! Wow. Just wanted to brag about that for a second cuz I think you´re awesome. Missin those late nights just listening to you practice and snapchatting it with Ahnyka :) Also, shoutout to Kymboslice for also being so good at music that people in Jerusalem want you to come teach them how it´s done.
As this is our last week in el CCM, my district will be doing a special musical number in sacrament meeting. I am working with an elder to arrange Asombro me Da y Un pobre Forastero. It´s pretty simple but super powerful. I love my district so much and it has been an absolute pleasure to learn and grow with them. 
Last thing, a few of these elders got stuck in a sketchy elevator yesterday when we were doing service for 45 minutes while doing service haha. They´re champions.
This time next week I´ll be in NEW JERSEY! There is work to do and I couldn´t be more excited to do it!
I wish you all the best week ever!
Con amor,
Hermana Stone
Hermana Dearden and I with our cool new Mexican Scripture cases! we <3 Mexíco

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